
Photobiomodulation and the Human Shoulder

Price: $29.95
Original Webinar Date:

A "bum shoulder" can be a difficult and painful thing to deal with.  Many of the shoulder conditions we see have lapsed into the chronic stage.   Often patients have the mind-set that their shoulder pain and limitations will somehow correct itself over time.  They will wait, and wait, and wait, until what was simple has now become complex.  

This adds to the frustration of managing shoulder pain.   We are going to discuss various shoulder conditions and various plans of action to restore normal function.  There are effective protocols to add to your existing approaches to the human shoulder that will yield superior outcomes.

Occasionally a case must go to surgery….it happens.  We will discuss pre and post PBM care for patients that must go under the knife.

Join Dr. Chris Carraway and special guest Dr. Brian Fitzpatrick for the April Webinar when they discuss, Photobiomodulation and the Human Shoulder

Laser Therapy University

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